Monday, January 27, 2020

FAQ Series - Not all NULLS are created equal

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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

FAQ Series- Cannot Mix Aggregate and Non-aggregate

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Thank you for all the support over the past 2 years - I recently updated my blog to make it easier to read, improve the rendering of images and tie back to video presentations that are associated with the content - Check it out at  Jim's new blog 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Put life in your Viz with Set and Parameter actions and Viz in Tooltip

Set and Parameter Actions and Viz In Tooltip

Add life to your vizzes and make it easier on the user by using set and parameter actions and viz in tooltip

Set Actions

Set actions added to the dashboard are an easy to use alternative to drop down filter. In the dashboard below - the map provides a visual way for users to select the state or regions to be included in the YoY and subcategory Ranking  

Create a set on State - use select All - the set action will change that later

For use in the YoY and Ranking worksheet  you will need a parameter for the end year -  (Note for this example I just used full year sales - the approach will work with YTD sales also) 

Then LODs for current and prior year sales are needed (Note I included Segment for use in the viz):
Current Year:

{ FIXED [Segment] :sum({ FIXED [Order Date],[Segment],[State]:zn((
if year(min([Order Date]))=([3 Enter end year]) and MAX([3 select state for rank])
then sum([Sales]) end ))}  )}

Prior Year:
{ FIXED [Segment] :sum({ FIXED [Order Date],[Segment],[State]:zn((
if year(min([Order Date]))=([3 Enter end year]-1) and MAX([3 select state for rank])
then sum([Sales]) end ))} )}

And YoY sales growth is  are:

(sum([3 TY Sales])-sum([3 LY Sales]))/sum([3 LY Sales])

Add an LOD to rank the subcategories
{ FIXED  year([Order Date]),[Sub-Category],[3 select state for rank]:
sum(if [3 select state for rank] and year([Order Date])=[3 Enter end year]  
then [Sales]end )}

An finally Rank the subcategories using

RANK_UNIQUE(sum([3 LOD sales by state for rank]),'desc')
and a filter
[3 rank states ]<= [3 N for top N]

Create 3 worksheets:
YoY Growth by Market Segments:

   Subcategory Rank

and the Map is a simple filled map

Then bring the together on a dashboard

Add a set action to the Map to change the State Set based on a visual selection from the dashboard

And the User can now select states or regions directly from the map and the YoY growth and subcategory ranking will adjust accordingly - 

Parameter Actions 

Parameter actions work just like set actions except parameters are single valued and allow users to select that value visually from a value picket on the dashboard -

Using the same model as above add a value picker and a parameter action to change the Select End Date Parameter.  You can be more elaborate - I just used a simple square chart on a worksheet to make the Value Picker

Add the Value Picker and a Parameter action to the dashboard

and you are done: 

That's only scratching the surface of using set and parameter actions to replace drop down menus - have some fun with them and see - you can't break anything-

Viz in Tooltip 

When Viz in tooltip was introduced in 10.5,  it was interesting but I didn't realize that it was a such game changer - 

If you haven't used them, Viz in tooltip is a function that will bring an image of the filtered results from another worksheet into the tool tip when the user hovers or click on a mark.  It works like a filter action passing dimension values from the first sheet to the second then returns an image (note:  a PNG that is not interactive) to the tooltip.  

Lets see how it works

Create 2 sheets - the first a simple sales by category bar chart

and a profit map 

The goal is to show the filtered profit map when hovering over a segment on the bar chart.  Open the tootip tile, then select Insert, then Sheet - then select the sheet you want 

And it returns this

Let's see what is going on  - when you set up the tootip, Tableau first added a text string into the tooltip

The sheet name is in quotations, the max width and height are the size of the image in the tool - you can overwrite the value to resize the image as needed and the dimensions to be filtered on the second sheet - Here All Dimensions from the first sheet are applied to the second sheet (Map) before the image is returned -  You specify field you want filtered as shown

Tableau also creates an action filter on the second sheet (Map) based on the filters passed

That was easy - I've used Viz in tooltip as shown, to bring back the next lower level data from a hierarchy and like a lookup function to bring back specific information on a specific item from a long detailed text table (only the detail table is ugly but I am the only one who sees it - the user just sees the filtered data)

This year at TC19 there was a presentation that took Viz in Tooltip to a totally different level.  If you weren't fortunate enough to see Jade Le Van's presentation live, see the recording at - It is an hour well spent.

The 2 examples that follow were derived from her presentation - Only hope to do them justice 

First - the "Dashboard in Tooltip"  - is not literally copy a dashboard in the tooltip but building one from several worksheets.  

Three worksheets - Sales, Top N and Sales Growth are going go be added ion a single tooltip

The 3 worksheets are inserted in the tooltip as before - a blank sheet is added to draw a line to separate the views (you will to copy and paste the text)

Hovering over a state applies filters to 3 worksheet and brings the results to the tooltip -

The last example shows how to see one view in the tooltip on hover but something entirely different when the marked is "clicked"   - it is requires several calculations and filters 

Hover returns this

Selecting a state with a click returns this:

Hover does not select a state so the count of all states in the view is 49 (Sorry Alaska). Selecting a state with a click reduces the number to 1 - so we can use a distinct count of states across the view (Window_count) to determine the view we want to see

If the Boolean below is True - we want to see the Pie Chart - if False we want the Line Chart


Tooltips don't accept calculations - but this will "Sheet Swap" based on the state count

CASE [1 window sum countd state tf] 

when TRUE then '<Sheet name="percent total pie" maxwidth="300" maxheight="300" filter="<All Fields>">'

when FALSE then '<Sheet name="annual profit" maxwidth="500" maxheight="500" filter="<All Fields>">'end

Just need one more thing - hovering does not select a single state - there are still 49 states in the view.  We need to pass a single state to the Annual Profit sheet  - for that we need a set and set action 

Create a set

and a set action

Then create the viz

On the Profit sheet add a set action filter

On the Map apply the click action to the Pie chart only

And you are done

Fee free to download it an use it as a model



Friday, January 3, 2020

Zoom in on Map Point with a Radius

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Thank you for all the support over the past 2 years - I recently updated my blog to make it easier to read, improve the rendering of images and tie back to video presentations that are associated with the content - Check it out at  Jim's new blog  -   

"Zoom In" - to Points on Map

Recently there have several Forum post asking how to find all the points that are within a radius of a point and to be able to "zoom in" on the map – something like “I want to identify client locations are within 20 miles of each of our 5 office locations of out plant locations”  - 

Not an un-common question – and very solvable with Tableau - but being able to "Zoom in" requires a bit of a hack 

Like a lot of solutions in Tableau, you need to think backwards . First we  need to determine the distance from each office to each client location in the data – Then apply a filter that eliminates the points a greater distance away.  Not difficult but a lot of data

Step 1 – Shape the Data

You need to have the longitude and latitude of each office and each client location – sorry you won’t be able to use the Tableau generated longs and lats in calculations, so they need to be loaded with the data - keep the files separate - one for the office and one for the client locations.

To get the solution we need to determine the distance from each office location to every client site and will require connecting the files together with a Cartesian join


The join expands the data set with a separate row for each client location / office site combination

Step 2 – Determine the distance from the office to each client

I’ve used an LOD that looks at each Office location and determines the distance to every Client location 

{ FIXED [Client Loc ID],[Office Loc ID]   :avg(3959 * ACOS(
 SIN(RADIANS([Client Lat])) * SIN(RADIANS(([Office Lat]))) +
 COS(RADIANS([Client Lat])) * COS(RADIANS(([Office Lat]))) *
 COS(RADIANS(([Office Long]))-RADIANS([Client Long])))  )}

Note: I used the explicit formula rather than the Distance spatial function added in version 2019 - 

The fixed LOD can be read in words as : for each combination of the office and client location calculate the “as the crow files distance” using a complex trig formula --  

Step 3 Create a Parameter to enter the radius and a filter based on the parameter

I used a floating point parameter and used a range up to 60 miles with steps of 10 miles – you can use whatever fits your analysis

Then add a simple filter that limits the distance between the city center to the value in the parameter – place it on the filter shelf and set to TRUE

 [Distance Office to Client]<= [Enter Radius]

Step 4 - Create the Map

The Viz is a dual axis map - one layer contains the Client locations the other the Office sites
Filters are added on the Office site location and the Boolean distance filter.  I made the Office locations stars - could be any shape - and I use the State dimension to vary the color of the client locations

Convert the map to Dual Axis then go to the Map button on the top ribbon, open and select Map Layers - in the box that opens you will be able to select the style and the layers you want to see

Step 5 - the Zoom feature

Finally the Zoom feature is controlled by the radius - the smaller the radius the more the user "Zooms" in and conversely larger radii will "Zoom Out"  BUT you MUST UNPIN the map and UNSELECT the Pan and Zoom on the Map Options to avoid the map being locked at a zoom level and office location

Bring the map and filter and parameter to a dashboard and annotate as needed

I have a similar map on my Tableau Public site at!/vizhome/Findclientswithinradius_v10_5/Interactivemap

Feel free to download it (or any other file on the site) to use as a model 



My Blog Has Moved

My blog has moved to  Thank you for all the support over the past 2 years - I recently updated my blog to make it easier to re...