Sunday, August 30, 2020

FAQ Series - Business Days

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Often you only want to use "Business Day" in your viz or move the weekend sales to Friday or Monday -

In the examples here I will us the US standard Sunday - Saturday week with a Monday - Friday "Business Week"  - 

1-Weekday Labels

Tableau has a couple ways to identify and label dates by the day of the week - 

A straightforward way is take advantage of the Custom Date option

Open the Date dimension - then Custom Date - then Weekdays from the dropdown

Alternately - you can use Datename in a calculated filed - the argument 'weekday' must be the literal as shown in quotes

DATENAME('weekday',[Order Date])

Or use Datepart to assign a number to the weekday - 1 for the first day of the week (Sunday in my examples) and 7 for the last day (Saturday)

DATEPART('weekday',[Order Date]) 



Sales by day of the week is  easy to get - but how to you move the weekend sales to Friday - You can use an "IF ... Then " type of conditional or a Case statement like this

CASE [Order Date (Weekdays)]

When 2 then "Monday"

When 3 then "Tuesday"

When 4 then "Wednesday"

When 5 then "Thursday"

Else "Friday-Sunday" End

2- Examples

The day of the week dimension can be used like any other dimension to categorize data - 

or in any type of calculation

Some users want to look at how their average sales vary by the day of the week


Holidays, including those that are unique to region or business culture, often need to be removed from the dataset - 

One way is to create a separate dataset of the date and the holiday name:

Left join the holiday file with your data set on the date field

and then use a Data Source filter to delete all the holidays from the data


4-Look back N business days

Some users want to find a value in the several days prior to the current day - It can be done easily with a datediff function when all 7 dates are included.  But to look back N days excluding weekends is more complex.  

The example below is broken into individual formulas that you can combine in your own workbook - also it determines the number of calendar days to look back based on the business need to express the look back in business days - the solution uses actual date values so dimensional filters can be applied without affecting the calculation 

First the Lookback period in business days is set using a parameter (just a simple integer)

To simplify some of the I wanted to wanted to use Monday as the first day of the week and used the previous Datepart week formula in:

if [date part weekday]>=1 and [date part weekday]<=7 then
[date part weekday]-1 else 0 end

You may be tempted to use datepart('weekday',[date],'monday')  - unfortunately datepart only supports weekday for weeks that begin on the default - in my case Sunday

Next we need the number of 5 day weeks back based on the value of the Business Day Back Parameter - the Min Number of Weeks is:

Int(([Number of day back]+1)/5)

but that is the number of whole weeks and it needs be adjusted for the position of the date within the week - for that use a function called modulo - the function returns the remainder of the division of the argument (the parameter value +1) divided by  5  

([Number of day back]+1)%5

The total number of weekend then is
{ FIXED [Order Date]:(
if min([jd datepart start monday])=0 then Min([JD Number of weeks ] )
elseif min([jd datepart start monday])<int(Min([jd modulo day of week]))
then Min([JD Number of weeks ])+1 else Min([JD Number of weeks ] )end ) }

The formula used to add in the Saturday/Sunday weekend days to the Business Days Back parameter to determine the number of calendar days to use in the date diff calculation

int(min([Number of day back]))  + 2*(min([number of weekend days]))

finally the calendar date for N Business days in the past can be determined as

{ FIXED [Order Date] :DATE(dateadd('day',-[JD number of dates back],Min([Order Date])))   }

For example using December 2019 Superstore data looking back 7 business days would return :

Great but real business questions are usually about the growth from the over the period or the total sales looking back over all the dates.  To get that we need a start date and a parameter. First determine and fix the calendar date based on the start date and the number of business days to look back

{ FIXED : min(if [Enter start date]=[Order Date] then [JD date of back dated] end )}

then the value on that date becomes:

IFNULL({ FIXED :sum(if [JD Fixed back date from param]= 
[Order Date] then [Sales] end)}  ,0)

The ifnull adjust for dates where there were no sales

The value on Start Date is simply

IFNULL({ FIXED [Order Date]:   sum( if DATETRUNC('day',[Order Date]) = 
DATETRUNC('day',[Enter start date])  then    [Sales] end )} ,0)

And the percent difference is:

If (sum([JD value at lookback date]))=0 then 1 
elseif (sum([jd value on start date parameter value]))=0 then 0
else(sum([jd value on start date parameter value])-  sum([JD value at lookback date]))/sum([JD value at lookback date])

All the calculations are LOD's and can be used to create a simple summary table 

Determining the the total sales over the "lookback period" will require another LOD

if [JD Fixed back date from param]<= [Order Date] and 
[Order Date]<=[Enter start date]
then [Sales] end)}  ,0)

Lots of LOD's and can be confusing but necessary to avoid table calculations which are based on a position in a table and not an actual date.  

There could be many more examples and variations on viewing sales by business day. I encourage you to try some of your own - 

The examples here are captured in a workbook that has been posted to my public site at 



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